Message from the OCSA President – Bob Krohn

Hi Everyone! Another year is flying by! Since my last email in February, I hope you have been enjoying frequent boating and the beauty of the Butler Chain of Lakes (which have finally returned to pre-2022 hurricane water levels).
I first want to thank the membership for their continuing election support (in February) of all current OCSA Board members and of their volunteer work throughout their many collective years of service. Your Board and management team continues to attend to the property details that ensure a safe and pleasant experience at the OCSA. Examples include: The floating dock was finally re-installed in March, culminating with the team’s persistence in solving the many unique challenges associated with refloating and securing this lakeside amenity. Boat and kayak storage areas were improved with concrete fines/fill that addressed pre-existing surface water and incline/safety challenges. The club sponsored an “Hibachi Night” on 4/14 where first-time logistical challenges (please forgive us) were offset by great food, drink, and fun for all. On 4/22, we brought back the popular Casino Night which was a fun night attended by 175 members and guests. The annual Memorial Day Picnic lunch continued to be appreciated, and well attended, as we served over 600 family members and friends on this day of remembrance of those who have served our great country.
Other maintenance efforts included a 9-month marathon to repair/replace our playground equipment. After months of attending to Federal, Florida, and Orange County permitting requirements, as well as supply chain delays, we have passed Orange County’s final inspection and are pleased to offer this new and improved amenity to our membership. Concurrent with this effort, the OCSA enhanced its ADA access to certain areas on the grounds with the installation of several new access walkways. Work is also underway to replace the aged outdoor grill in Pavilion 1. Lastly, Blaine Hall also saw the installation of a new wood floor as years of subterranean termite damage was addressed for your dancing pleasure!
That is all I have for now! Debbie’s important updates follow.
Please enjoy the OCSA! It is a special treasure on the Butler Chain.
Bob Krohn
OCSA President

Message from the General Manager – Debbie Warner
I hope you have enjoyed the summer and have been able to come to the club to spend time with family and friends.
We were able to accept 150 new members into the club in April. There is a huge demand to become a member, with over 1200 names remaining on the OCSA wait list (which is currently a 5-year wait!). As children are allowed to be on their parent’s membership through the age of 22, if you have a child that is approaching 23, and they will want their own membership, you may want to place their name on the wait list now!
A common problem at the club is the lack of knowledge of the OCSA rules and policies. Please ensure you and your guests follow the rules of the club. The most common violations are guests and caterers arriving prior to the member, members bringing more than 10 guests, members and guests staying past closing time, and event/party violations (such as staying past the contractual event end time and smoking in covered areas/illegal drug use). Members are responsible for their guests. Please reference the OCSA website to review all club rules.
For your convenience, OCSA operating hours are always posted on the website – If I can be of further assistance, please contact me directly at 407-876-2010 or at Office hours are 8AM-3PM Monday-Thursday. Fridays are by appointment only.
Debbie Warner
General Manager
The Florida Ski School has been banned from the OCSA for repeated club rule violations. This ban applies to both its commercial activities and/or as a guest of an OCSA member. Any future violation of this prohibition will result in a call to law enforcement and a citation for trespass after warning. Additional sanctions, up to and including revocation of club membership, will be imposed on any OCSA member who facilitates or enables the violation of this Florida Ski School ban.
LABOR DAY CELEBRATION, September 4th 11:00AM - 1:00PM

MUSIC NIGHT – Saturday, October 21 7:00PM-10:00PM
AED and First Aid kit
- Smoking is prohibited under all covered areas. This includes but is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, Hookah, vaping, electronic cigarettes, marijuana, and any illegal drugs as defined in Fla. Stat. 893.03.
- The use of any illegal drug or controlled substance, as defined by Fla. Stat. 893.03, at or on the club premises, is strictly prohibited.
- Firearms, fireworks, sparklers, open flame candles, and sky lanterns/floating lanterns are prohibited on the OCSA property. The presence of a gas tank and gas pump elevate risk to the highest level. Sky lanterns and floating lanterns are banned in the state of Florida.
- Launching is prohibited during periods of inclement weather to allow for vessels exiting the lake to do so without delay.
- 407-836-HELP – Call Orange County Sheriff’s office to report an incident
- 407-448-4744 or 407-448-4746 – Call Water Patrol to report careless/reckless boating activities
Our peak season is April 1st through Labor Day. During this time, Lake Sheen Hall is the only area that can be rented on Saturday and Sunday. We do rent all areas Monday-Friday. The rental agreements are on the website. The 9020 rental agreement is for Blaine Hall, the Boardroom, the Front Porch, Pavilion 1, Pavilion 2, and Pavilion 3. The Lake Sheen Hall rental agreement is for the large clubhouse. Each rental agreement comes with a 6-hour timeframe which includes set-up time.