Butler Chain

On bird island

The island at the northeast section of Lake Butler on the Butler Chain of Lakes is known as “Bird Island”.

It is owned by the Audubon Society and is off-limits to the public as it is a bird sanctuary.

The public is not allowed on the island itself but on a nice day on the weekends you will see many boats moored around the west side of the island in the water and enjoying the day in their boats.

The unofficial rule is that if your ankles are wet you are not in violation of the sanctuary rules. You should not be on the island itself. The island is frequently monitored by the local water safety patrol so please abide by the rules.

There seems to be some confusion as to whether you can tie up to the Cypress trees around the island to moor your boat. Cypress trees are protected in Florida so the best plan is to bring two anchors for mooring and don’t tie up to the trees.

Butler Chain of Lakes Data

Sampson, Christoper. “The Butler Chain Data”. thebutlerchain.com. 27 June 2011

We live in a very unique area of the North American continent where there exists the largest concentration of solution base lakes. There are over 2,500 lakes in the four Central Florida counties of Lake, Osceola, Orange and Polk. They cover over 4,000 square miles or 7% of the total area of Florida. These lakes are a very special natural resource and provide us with a beautiful environment for relaxation, recreation and an opportunity to observe Nature through abundant wildlife. The adjacent marshes and swamps are the home for a large variety of animals, including an increasing number of several endangered species.

This information(copied from www.thebutlerchain.com) was prepared to promote awareness of the causes, effects and prevention of water pollution in our lakes. Clean water is essential to all forms of life. Following the suggestions in this guide could make a definite improvement in the quality of our water bodies.

The topics covered include; the sources of water pollution, the different species of wildlife indigenous to our wetlands, desirable and undesirable aquatic vegetation, rules and regulations regarding lakefronts and boating, and protective measures that can be taken to protect the excellent water quality we now enjoy in the Butler Chain of Lakes, our Outstanding Florida Waters.

The Ecosystem of a Lake

A lake is not just a standing body of water. It is a living thing that has a very delicate “ECOSYSTEM,” which is the interacting system of a biological community and its non-living surroundings. Lakes are a habitat for an immense variety of plants and animals. These plants and animals are linked together in a complicated system of interdependence and if one part is disturbed, the whole system is upset. This system works as follows: The plants use sunlight, nutrients absorbed from the ground and water, and gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen), to grow. The animals eat the plants, which may then be eaten by other animals, then bacteria decomposes, dead plants and animals back into simpler compounds that can then be used as nutrients by living things such as plants. This constitutes the “Food Web” of a lake. All the processes mentioned (plants growing, animals living and breathing, and decomposition), require OXYGEN in order to take place. Decomposition is vital to the lakes because without it the lakes would fill up with dead plant and animal material.

What is Water Pollution?

We live in a day and age where fresh, clean water is fast becoming a rare luxury. With the urbanization and development of our area, and the increase in population, many of our lakes have become polluted. Most people think of polluted water as being saturated with sewage or poisonous chemicals. However, many polluted lakes are simply filled with excessive amounts of algae or choked with exotic aquatic plants.

The fact is, all rivers and lakes go through a natural aging process called “EUTROPHICATION,” where they gradually change into a marsh, then a swamp, then dry land. This process, which normally takes thousands of year-s, can be greatly accelerated by man. This is known as “CULTURAL EUTROPHICATION.” When a body of water is overfed with nutrients (mainly carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur), it begins to age. The nutrients stimulate the growth of plants and algae. Some sources of these nutrients are fertilizers, sewage, gasoline, oil, pet wastes, leaves, debris, storm water runoff and detergents. ALGAE is simply a microscopic plant. Therefore, when excessive amounts of nutrients are introduced into a lake, an excessive amount of algae grows. This is called an “ALGAL BLOOM.” All plants, including algae, have a process called “RESPIRATION” where they use oxygen and release carbon dioxide during the night, which depletes the oxygen supply in the lake. The drastic change in the oxygen level kills the fish. In addition, as all the algae dies and drifts to the bottom, its decomposition depletes the deep-water oxygen supply. Excessive amounts of algae growing in a lake may result in an “ALGAL MAT,” where the lake becomes filled with clumps of algae causing foul odors and loss of recreational use.

In order to prevent our lakes and streams from being overfed with nutrients, adjacent WETLANDS AND SHORELINE VEGETATION should not be disturbed.

The Wetlands

The wetlands that border our lakes and river’s serve many important purposes. Wetlands can be in the form of a marsh’ or swamp. The difference between a marsh and a swamp is that a marsh has no trees. The wetlands act as the “kidney” to the lakes, filtering out nutrients and pollutants, and cleaning the water before it goes into the lake. This cleansing process takes place in the plants; they love the nutrients and their roots act like a sieve, catching all the sediments, leaves and other debris that would wash right into the lake if they were not there.

Another function of our wetlands is that they act as floodplains. In the case of heavy rains or hurricanes, the extra water flows into them. The marshes and swamps also serve as homes for many of our water birds and animals. They depend on the rich nutrients available and the undisturbed wilderness to make their nests and raise their young. As our wetlands diminish due to development, the wildlife decreases in number and some species even become endangered.

Shoreline Protection

The shoreline of a lakefront lot is measured along the normal high water line. The Orange County Board of county Commissioner-s established 99.5 feet (mean sea level) as the normal high water line for the Butler Chain of Lakes. The water lines for other lakes maybe obtained from the Orange County Environmental Protection Department and the Orange County Engineering Department. Lakefront lots are platted down to the normal high water elevation, below which the State of Florida owns all lands.

The shoreline of a water body should remain completely natural; modification of the natural form or shape inhibits a water body’s ability to effectively utilize or absorb nutrients. Numerous waterfront homeowners have removed beneficial vegetation and formed sandy beaches along their shorelines. This action removes the natural buffer, which helps to protect the water body from shock loads of nutrients and other water pollutants. Shoreline vegetation will absorb harmful nutrients preventing them from entering the water body, and prevent erosion caused by waves created by boats and wind.

If most or all of your shoreline vegetation has been removed, consider replanting at least a portion of your shoreline or allowing plants to come back on their own. Shoreline vegetation height should extend far above the water level. There is a direct relation between height and a plant’s nutrient absorptive capacity. In fact, if vegetation height is clipped below the water level, a buffer zone’s filtering efficiency steadily declines to zero.

Many varieties of native aquatic vegetation are very beautiful and some have lovely blossoms. Consider creating a “water garden” along your shoreline by planting your favorite varieties of aquatic plants. They will help clean the lake and enhance your property at the same time.

There is an excellent booklet entitled, Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Florida, containing color photographs of native aquatic plants, which may be ordered through the Publications Department of the Institute of Forestry and Agricultural Services (IFAS), Building 664, Gainesville, Florida 32611-0001. At present, the cost is $11.00. Checks should be made payable to the University of Florida. Telephone: (904) 392-1764.

If you decide to revegetate your shoreline, please be certain that you choose desirable, native aquatic plants and not Exotics. “Exotic plants” are simply plants that come from somewhere else and are not “native” to our ecosystem. The danger of introducing exotics is that they have no natural enemies and thus may grow unchecked and out of control.

A perfect example of an exotic plant growing out of control is Hydrilla. Hydrilla was imported from South America by the aquarium industry. People bought this plant to put in their aquariums and then, when their fish died, they dumped everything into our lakes and streams. We have an incredible problem controlling this exotic weed. It has an unbelievable root system that sends nodules deep into the earth. Therefore, even if the plant is killed back by chemical spraying, it will eventually grow back from its roots. Hydrilla can be spread from one lake to another by a tiny piece caught on the propeller of a boat. Even if the plant dries up on the propeller, when it gets wet again, its tubers will germinate and grow.

Another aggressive and exotic plant, water hyacinth, is choking our rivers and lakes by completely covering the surface of the water, making is impossible to pass through in a boat. Learn to recognize these plants and contact the proper authorities if you find it in our lakes. On the next page you, will find a listing of desirable native and undesirable exotic.

Tannic Acid

Some of our lakes have a clear, but reddish-brown tint to the water. This is caused by TANNIC ACID, a natural by-product (decomposition of the tissue of some woody plants, such as cypress trees. It affects the color and acidity of the water, but does not affect humans. It is simply a natural phenomenon that is found in many southern waters.

Swales & Berms

As it descends to the water, Central Florida’s waterfront property ranges from gentle to steep slopes. if your backyard fits into the steep or critically sloping category, your nutrient contributions are greater, storm water runoff cascades down a steep yard with almost no deterrents. Sediment loading caused by erosion are also increased. Proper placement of a swale and berm system slows down the rapid flow of impure storm water runoff entering water bodies. After the swale catches the flow, it is held back by the berm. Impurities sink to the bottom and the cleaner water lining the surface spills over when the swale becomes full. Slowly, the storm water evaporates and percolates through the soil. The percolation process cleanses storm water runoff and recharges underground aquifers. In the case of lake front property, the cleansed storm water returns to the lake. Swales and berms are an extremely important drainage device that can protect the excellent water quality of Florida’s lakes. A swale and berm system slows down storm water runoff and traps pollutants before they reach the lake.

Septic Tank Systems

Most homes around the Butler Chain of Lakes are on septic tanks. These systems require routine maintenance, depending on the accumulation of sludge, and should be inspected every 3 to 5 years. The State of Florida has strict regulations and codes regarding the installation of a septic tank system. For more information, contact the Orange County Health Department, 832 W. Central Blvd., Room 213, Orlando, FL 32801, Tel. 836-2630.

Dredging and Filling

Orange County has strict regulations concerning dredging and filling due to the fact that: Dredging resuspends decomposing matter that has settled on the bottom, which causes turbidity and destroys habitat for aquatic-dependent organisms such as decomposers, which are an important part of the food web of the lake. Filling in an area that is habitually wet is simply reclaiming public waters for private use.


The installation of seawalls is strictly regulated on the Butler Chain of Lakes. There must be some very compelling reasons why a seawall is needed. If constructed, stringent design criteria must be followed.

If a seawall has already been constructed on your property, the best solution would be to place a sloping rock revetment and to revegetate lake ward of the rock revetment.

Pesticides & Herbicides

Any pesticides or herbicides, if used, will eventually reach the lakes. These chemicals can cause serious damage to the lake ecosystem, especially if used in an improper manner. it is possible, but difficult, to have a healthy yard without using pesticides. If you must use pesticides, please read very carefully the instructions on proper application and disposal.

Yard Maintenance

In terms of water front property, removal of grass and other yard clippings after lawn mowing is beneficial. Yard clippings must not be allowed to reach the lake. For the lake to decompose these organic wastes requires the use of oxygen. In turn, this imposes a strain to the water body’s oxygen levels. In addition, fertilizing should be limited as much as possible because during a storm, any excess or unabsorbed fertilizer will wash into the lake, “feeding” the algae and possibly causing it to grow excessively.

Irrigation with Lake Water

The use of Lake Water for Irrigation has the benefit of protecting our drinking water supply due to the fact that the water is not withdrawn from the aquifer, which is our underground water supply. Water withdrawn from the lake for irrigation will eventually percolate through the soil and recharge the lake.

Motor Boats

The Butler Chain of Lakes has a 36-mph speed limit and regulations regarding motor boat operation. These rules are designed not only to promote public safety but also to minimize the destructive impact of motor boats. Excessive speeds in shallow water can erode the shoreline, disturb rooted vegetation and stir up bottom nutrients and sediments. These resuspended bottom nutrients are then returned to the water body’s ecosystem and result in increased turbidity.

Proper maintenance of motor boats is an important factor in maintaining good water quality. Motor boats are prone to oil and gas leakage problems; both of these substances can lead to disastrous effects on water quality and aquatic organisms. Oil and gas from this source, together with that from automobiles (picked up by storm water runoff) can have a significant impact. Boat trailers and motors should be checked before launching to remove all aquatic weeds. This prevents the introduction of foreign plants should you launch your boat into different waters. The Butler Chain of Lakes has had some problems with exotic, noxious aquatic weeds that were brought in by boats. Aquatic weed control is an expensive, not always successful, program. Prevention is better than the cure!

Boat Docks

Construction of a boat dock requires permitting by the Orange County Environmental Protection Department and possibly the Florida Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Regulation. The Orange County Environmental Protection Department can advise you of the necessary steps that must be taken. Once all appropriate state and county dock permits have been obtained, you will need to obtain a building and zoning permit from Orange County Building and Zoning Department.

Sampson, Christoper. “The Butler Chain Data”. thebutlerchain.com. 27 June 2011

The Butler Chain of Lakes

The Butler Chain of Lakes was formed as a result of a typical Florida occurrence known as Karst topography. Limestone, which underlies most of Florida, was slowly dissolved by water to form sinkholes. A series of sinkholes that formed over time produced the sparkling, pristine Butler Chain of Lakes. As you become familiar with the lakes, you will notice that many areas within the lakes can be as deep as 30 to 40 feet. It is believed that these deep holes are what remains of the sinkholes that helped form the Butler Chain. Rainwater is the main source of water that fills these lakes. The chain of lakes, (Down, Wauseon Bay, Butler, Louise, Isleworth, Tibet-Butler, Chase, Blanche, Sheen, Pocket, and Fish), have been designated by the Department of Environmental Regulation of the State of Florida as “Outstanding Florida Waters” due to their excellent water quality and wildlife habitat. They also have the distinction of being the first lakes to receive this significant protection. The OFW designation stipulates that nothing can be done to these lakes that would lower their water quality. However, we must all do our own part to conserve the excellent water quality the chain now enjoys.

The Butler Chain Of Lakes is Orlando’s premier lake chain offering 13 lakes full of pristine water. The lakes are connected by canals and offer great opportunities for water sports such as wake-boarding and skiing and fishing. The real estate fronting on the chain has seen great appreciation in the recent past and is the site of many of Orlando’s most prestigious homes. In the following descriptions, the lakes will be arranged in boating order from North to South. Lake descriptions (c)2003 E.Martell

  1. Lake Down is the northern-most lake in the Butler Chain with 872 acres of ski-able clear water. Public Access is located at Conroy-Windermere Road across from the Isleworth entrance and at R. D. Keene Park and Boat Ramp at 10900 Chase Road, just south of Windermere. Neighborhoods on Lake Down include Sunset Bay, Down Point, Windermere Oaks, the city of Windermere (east side of town), Harbor Isle, Marina Bay (features a community dock, but no ramp), Lake Down Village (provides community access), Windermere Downs (provides community access), and The Lakes (provides community access). Exiting the lake via the canal on the western side, the boater travels under the main street of Windermere to Wauseon Bay. Please remember that all canals are “NO-WAKE” zones. Also, be sure to observe posted speed limits on the lakes and all boater safety regulations. The lakes are patrolled by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department/Florida Marine Patrol.
  2. Little Lake Down is entered via a somewhat hidden canal on the west side of Lake Down. The canal is to the north of the main canal between Lake Down and Wauseon Bay. You can ski there, but it’s really too small for skiing. Public access is the same as for Lake Down. Homes on Bayshore Drive are the only ones with frontage on Little Lake Down. The OARS high school crew teams usually put-in on the west side and often use this lake and parts of Lake Down for practice.
  3. Wauseon Bay is a smaller body of water which essentially acts as a conduit from the west side of Lake Down to Lake Butler. It also provides lake frontage for many homes in the city of Windermere. Skiing is possible on the western part of Wauseon Bay, but the east side from Bumby Point to the canal is restricted to a no-wake zone on the north side of the bouys due to the proximity of docks. From the south exit of Wauseon Bay, the boater moves onto Lake Butler.
  4. Lake Butler is the largest lake of the chain and it offers 1,665 acres of ski-able, high-quality water. Public Access is the same as for Lake Down. It might be noted that the city of Windermere has a Residents-only ramp onto Lake Butler. Many people will anchor and party on the north side of Bird Island on weekend afternoons. Neighborhoods on the lake are the city of Windermere (community access), Isleworth Country Club (community access to Lake Tibet), Chaine Du Lac, Lake Butler Sound, and Kelso on Lake Butler (community access). The canal out is located on the south side of the lake adjacent to the western end of Isleworth Country Club property.
  5. Lake Louise is a 50 acre lake which is a way-point on the canal from Lake Butler to Lake Tibet. Lake Louise is a long, narrow lake. Because of this length, you can often see boats towing skiers from one end to the other. Isleworth Country Club is the only community which fronts on this lake. Isleworth community access is found on the north end of Lake Tibet. Exiting to the south, the boater will find a lengthy canal to Lake Isleworth.
  6. Lake Isleworth is a somewhat circular shaped pool of about 10 acres on the canal south of Lake Louise. The R. D. Keene Park’s boat ramp is found on this lake. Isleworth is the only community which fronts on this lake. The canal out of Lake Isleworth to the south leads to Lake Tibet.
  7. Lake Chase is 135 acres fronted by Isleworth Country Club, Isle of Osprey, and part of Bay Hill Country Club (community access). From the canal’s exit into Lake Tibet, the entrance to Lake Chase is just past the Isleworth floating docks to the east. This lake offers a good location to ski if there is too much wind or traffic on the larger lakes. However, it may become too congested at times. The exit to Lake Blanche is at the northeast corner of Chase and passes under the bridge to Isle of Osprey first. This is a longer and narrower canal with some parallel boat docks on the east side. Larger boats might find difficulty in passing an oncoming boat in this tight space.
  8. Lake Blanche provides 121 acres of placid frontage to parts of Isleworth Country Club, Isle Of Osprey, and North Bay. It is a circular pool which becomes too congested to ski if there are more than about 3 or 4 boats present. The only way out is through the canal back to Lake Chase.
  9. Lake Tibet is the second largest lake on the change with 1,198 acres. It is longer than wide and has bays on both the east and west side. Neighborhoods fronting on this lake are Isleworth Country Club, Keenes Point (found in the northern-most bay on the west side), Cypress Point, Bentley Park, Pointe Tibet, Bay Point, Bay Hill (private marina accessed through 2 canals from the long narrow bay on the east side) and Cypress Isle. There is a slalom course set up on the south east side of this lake right in front of the Cypress Point homes. The south western side of this lake fronts a nature preserve. Exiting from the south side of the lake between the multi-million dollar homes of Cypress Point and the homes of Cypress Isle is a short canal into Lake Sheen.
  10. Lake Sheen is 565 acres of circular shaped lake which offers good fishing and plenty of room to ski. It is the site of the Orange County Sportsman’s Association club; a private membership boat launch and picnic facility. If you‘re new to the area, it‘s a good idea to put your name on the wait list. Neighborhoods fronting the lake are Cypress Point, Cypress Isle, the Kilgore road lake-front homes, and Lake Sheen Reserve on the southwest side (offering community access) along with some additional homes on the west side of the lake. The canal on the south side of the lake leads to Pocket Lake.
  11. Pocket Lake is roughly circular in shape and covers 126 acres. There is a well-maintained slalom course on the west side of this lake. Homes fronting the lake are located on Kilgore road, Darlene, and Charles E. Limpus road. None of these homes are in formally established communities. The canal found on the southwest corner of Pocket Lake leads to Little Fish Lake. Warning: This canal is over 1/4 of a mile in length with two right angle turns and usually contains obstacles such as sunken logs, so take care for your prop when going through.
  12. Fish Lake or Little Fish Lake is about 30 acres and is often fairly weedy. There is one neighborhood located on the lake and along a neighborhood canal and that is Turtle Creek. The only exit is through the canal to Pocket Lake.
  13. Cypress Lake is 65 acres of private ski-lake fronted by Kelso on Lake Butler. This lake used to be part of the Butler Chain, but the canal has gradually filled in and now is impassible.